

Hello there! My name is Ma Rainey but my maiden name is Getrude Pridgett... i love to dance and sing those things are what I live for. I am a famous african american blues singer, you know i was born in to a real show biz family. In 1900 was my first real performance, at 14 I did fantastic! have you ever heard of Ma Rainey Black Bottom? Yupp thats me dancin' and a singing. Wow these good days... i've also been called the "mother of blues". My most popular songs are... Black Dust Blues and Black Eye Blues.Welll i'd sure hope to here from ya soon!


  1. Ma Rainey, you sound very interesting! I like your enthusiasm for the arts. I also love to sing and dance. We have quite different styles, but we have the same interests when it comes to dance and song. You are beautiful!

  2. We have so much in common Ma Rainy! We both were born into families who performed, we also had our first real performance at the age of fourteen. That's such a coincidence! You are quite the successful artist!


About Me

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Hello there! My name is Ma Rainey but my maiden name is Getrude Pridgett... i love to dance and sing those things are what I live for. I am a famous african american blues singer, you know i was born in to a real show biz family. In 1900 was my first real performance, at 14 I did fantastic! have you ever heard of Ma Rainey Black Bottom? Yupp thats me dancin' and a singing. Wow these good days... i've also been called the "mother of blues". My most popular songs are... Black Dust Blues and Black Eye Blues.