
These 2 photos here is the first time me and my band preformed and the first one was the flyer. The second ... the family photo we taken.


  1. I applaud you for being the only women in your group. You are women that encouraged others to do the best they can, and to not stop for anything. To keep going, and if they have to. They can make it by being the only girl in their group.

  2. looks like a good group you should meet my band some time play a few tunes it would be real fun


About Me

My photo
Hello there! My name is Ma Rainey but my maiden name is Getrude Pridgett... i love to dance and sing those things are what I live for. I am a famous african american blues singer, you know i was born in to a real show biz family. In 1900 was my first real performance, at 14 I did fantastic! have you ever heard of Ma Rainey Black Bottom? Yupp thats me dancin' and a singing. Wow these good days... i've also been called the "mother of blues". My most popular songs are... Black Dust Blues and Black Eye Blues.